2. Continued problems


(Oh phooey!)

I needed room for a small flashlight ... place for remote control to table lamp and remote control to curtain that would pull down over the sliding glass door ... and a way to keep cash available for caregivers to go to grocery store ... also needed a bag to contain plastic eating utensils (knife, fork, spoon), salt, and drinking straws.  


The solution for me was this.  

We put kitchen cup holders under the wooden table top, on the left side of chair.

See the colorful bags hanging down from the table?

Figure 24

(Note the 2 blue bags sitting on the floor.  They are vomit bags, which are critical for a nauseated person.) 

I have drawstring bags which are 7 inches long and approximately 4 inches wide, hanging on each cup holder.  

In the drawstring bags I have the following items:

Bag number one:  remote control for table lamp on/off , remote control to raise curtain over sliding glass door.  

Bag number two:  money to send the caretaker to grocery store

Bag number three:  drinking straws; plastic knives, forks, and spoons; salt and pepper

Bag number four:  small dictation machine

Bag number five:  small flashlight

Bag number six through twelve:  miscellaneous

The following screen print shows the Amazon website where you can purchase these colorful bags if you care to do so.  There is a link to Amazon for the item at the end of the description which you can click on to see the bags on amazon.com

Click on this link to see the bags on amazon.com:  Colored canvas bags

