
Yellow Text

Table of Contents



  - THE CHAIR REMOTE CORD IS ON THE RIGHT SIDE ? but I can't use my right hand or right arm ...

  - THE NEXT PROBLEM WITH THE CHAIR ... had to do with the upholstery











Comments by Joan Boney

I am 81 years old at the time I am writing this chapter.

On October 29, 2018, I became entangled in my long robe and fell on the floor, breaking several bones in my right shoulder.

Due to this experience, I had an opportunity to make several inventions and discoveries, which would help handicapped people.

I am sharing this with you in the following chapters.



I was in the emergency room of the hospital from 1:30 AM to 7:30 AM.

The doctor said there were several breaks in my shoulder but there was no need for surgery at this place of injury.

ER doctor put an ace bandage around my arm to hold my right arm next to my body and he put a sling around my neck to stabilize my right hand, and he sent me home without any pain medicine at all! 

Doctor dismissed me from the emergency room and sent me home in a car operated by my church friend.

The first moment of discovery came when I got to my bedroom and sat down in my recliner.  

The pain was excruciating.  It was a level I have never experienced before in my life.  I was praying for God to let me die.


We placed a porta-potty about 8 inches to the right of my chair ... but how am I going to get out of the chair to get to the porta potty?  

I could not stand.  If I tried to use my left arm to push to help me up, the pain was incredible.  I could not tolerate the pain.

The only chance I had was to get a chairlift recliner which would lift me into a semi-upright position.  

Figure 1 ... Photo of chairlift in upright position 


The regular furniture stores could not deliver a chair lift until the next day.  How am I going to go to the bathroom for the next 24 hours?  Therefore, it was impossible to buy chairlift from a regular furniture store.  

My church friend got on the phone and called medical supply stores.  She found they do not rent chairlifts, but they sell them.  

Fortunately I could afford to buy a chairlift.  It cost approximately $1000.  They could deliver it that same day and it arrived at 2 PM.  

Here is a picture of the chairlift as it turned out to be, with various needed adjustments made by us.  

Figure 2 ... Photo of chairlift in full upright position and porta-potty



THE CHAIR REMOTE CORD IS ON THE RIGHT SIDE ?   but I can't use my right hand or right arm ...

The first problem encountered with the chair dealt with the remote control position.

The remote control cord came out from the base of the chair on the right side and came over the arm of the chair.

But it kept falling back over the arm onto the floor beside the chair on the right side.   There was no way I could reach it.   My church friend had to get it and hand it to me.

After many experiments, here is the way we dealt with it and this worked.

We used duct tape.  We fastened the cord securely by wrapping the duct tape around the entire arm.  The duct tape in the following picture is white.

On top of the arm over the remote cord we secured the center position of the arm by using electrical tape.  (see figure 3)

Figure 3 ... Holding the remote cord in the center position of the chair's right arm.

Figure 4 (pictured below) ... Shows the duct tape going all the way around the arm of the chair to secure the chair remote cord


When you lower the chairlift while having a blanket over your body the chairlift will very often catch the blanket and stick it under the chair and trap it with the frame of the chair.  It pulls the blanket off your body.  It is very hard to get it loose.  

Two times in the night I had to call my church friend to come over and get this blanket untangled from my body.  

There is a very simple solution to this problem.  

As you are lowering the chair raise your foot, raising the blanket which keeps the chair from trapping the blanket.  

This is illustrated in the following pictures.   

Figure 5 ... Raised foot while lowering chair keeps blanket from catching under the chair

Figure 6


THE NEXT PROBLEM WITH THE CHAIR ... had to do with the upholstery.

I had to sit in this chair 24 hours a day.

The basket weave of the upholstery began to dig into my skin and red irritations came on my back.

We finally resolved this problem by using a silk sheet which I had on my bed.  It is an old sheet.  The silk luster has worn off completely through use, but it is very soft and non-irritating.

This temporarily solved the problem with skin irritation from the upholstery.  (see figure 7)

Figure 7 ... Silk sheet over chairlift

In the fourth week of sitting in the chair I began to have additional problems with skin irritation.

I tried folding a blanket and sitting on the blanket to give me thicker protection from the basket weave upholstery.

This was only moderately successful.

Figure 8 ... Velour fabric

Next I tried using the underside of the blanket, which was more like a fleece lining.  This was a little better. 

Figure 9 ... Fleece fabric

We tried cutting an egg crate mattress pad to the exact size of the chair.  This did not work at all because of the thickness of the egg crate.  If you use a very thin egg crate it might work. 

Figure 10 ... Egg crate


Figure 11

Before the accident, I had used this cushion from time to time to alleviate pressure on my tailbone when I was doing extensive hours of writing other books.

When I received this cushion it didn't look like anything much.  It is a thin rubber on one side and material on the other.

I thought I had just thrown away the money.

But from the beginning, this cushion helped while none of the other cushions I've ever ordered were satisfactory.

You would think the thicker cushions would be much better, but I never found that to be the case.  It seems the thicker cushions just sort of roll you higher in the chair and make the whole chair unworkable.

This is the best cushion I've ever ordered. 

Amazon price:  $39.99
Click here to see on  Seat cushion


We put that cushion on the seat of the chairlift.  We also put one of those cushions where my back would lie against the cushion.

Then we put the silk sheet (or you can use any other sheet) over the entire front of the chairlift, extending slightly over the back of the chair. 



I am right handed.  

Now I have only access to that which I can reach with my left hand.  

I could not lean over without excruciating pain in my injured right shoulder.  

The tabletop is the following size:  28" x 15"


The following items ended up on top of the table:  

Figure 12


Figure 13

Figure 14 ... Cranberry juice in water bottles

We take empty water bottles and fill them with cranberry juice. 

This works very well.  

I try to drink one bottle of cranberry juice daily.  In the hospital the nurses told me cranberry juice helps with urinary tract.  

Having this juice in the water bottles helps me to know that I have drunk one bottle per day, for I take one bottle out of my storage cabinet every day and put it on my bedside table with four bottles of water.    



Items on top of table:

- table lamp
- phone (or cell phone)
- Kindle tablets
- prescription eye drops ... three bottles
- stack of business cards for needed workers
- pill cutter
- crackers
- over-the-counter pain medicine
- 2 bottles prescription Ambien
- bottle of roll-on over-the-counter pain reliever ... Freeze It (also called Max It, Max-Arnice, and several other brand names, but all are the same)
- bottle of constipation relief medicine ... non-prescription granules which you mix in water ... can be purchased over-the-counter by the name of MiraLax
- eyeglass holder and cleaning cloth for eyeglasses
- small rack to hold Kindle tablet device
- package of baby wipes for self-cleaning and hand washing
- hair comb pick
- Chap Stick for parched lips
- long handled back scratcher
- nail clippers 
- dental floss
- bottle of Coca-Cola
- bottle of Premier Protein drink
- bottle of cranberry juice poured into small water bottle container
- 4 8-oz bottles of water

Even with all of these items on the top of the table I still found room for my morning coffee cup, for my piece of toast on a napkin, and for a cup of applesauce or two boiled eggs.


The nurse practitioner said my injury usually has an eight-week recovery time.  I think I will have to be sleeping in the chairlift for at least eight weeks because I normally sleep on my side and could injure my arm by rolling over in bed on my side.  

The chairlift keeps me from turning onto my injured side.  I have to sleep on my back when in that chair.  

Therefore I feel very safe.   



Figure 16

First, notice the coffee cup which can be used to hold a checkbook, red felt-tip pen, green felt-tip pen,  pencil, and scissors.

Although I am unable to reach the right table with my right hand, I am able to stand and reach the right table with my left hand at this point in time, five weeks after the accident.  

Also it is very helpful to have these materials close by for caregivers.  

You will notice an eyeglass case on the table.  This is critical for placement of a second pair of eyeglasses.  

I keep my first pair of eyeglasses on the left-hand table.  But a few days ago I dropped the eyeglasses on the floor and could not get them.  It was wonderful to have spare eyeglasses on the right-hand table!  Although I was not able to reach them with my right hand, I could stand and reach them with my left hand.  

Details such as this are so helpful for things happen, often at night, when no caregiver is present.  It gives the injured person an independence from the caregiver in taking care of simple problems.  

There is a spare telephone on the right side table.  This, too, came in very handy a few days ago.  

The telephone that I use all the time is on the left table because I can't do anything but use my left hand at this point in time.  

I dropped that telephone receiver and could not get it.  But I could get the phone on the right table by standing and using my left hand.



Figure 17 

In the fourth week of my recovery I began to feel there were things I could do.  

If we setup a coffee making area in my bedroom, then I would be able to make the coffee.  This would spare my church friend from having to come here at 9 AM to make coffee. 

So I experimented with this and found I was well able to make the coffee after she moved the tables into my bedroom and I got them setup so I could use them.

I also had her put a breakfast muffin, in a sealed plastic bag, beside the coffee maker for my breakfast.  This freed my church friend.  

If you will notice in the picture, on the top of the tall cabinet there is water.  Then on second shelf, cranberry juice and coffee filters.  Protein drinks are on the third shelf.

We also added a table to the left of the coffee making table to use for sponge bath items.  


On the first table to the left you will see the setup for the sponge bath.
On the coffee making table to the right you will see the coffee, coffee maker, drinking cup, Sweet 'N Low container, and muffin in a Ziplock bag for freshness.

Beside that table you will see a blue trash can.

On the right of that you will see the arm of the porta-potty. 

And behind all of this there is yet another table where I have a toothbrush and water, for dental work.  

All of this has freed me considerably and has freed caregivers from having to attend to these things.  

Keep in mind that I can only use my left hand at this point in time.  If you can imagine what it is like to do these things with your non-dominant hand, you will see the arrangement is set up for this purpose.  

If you are dealing with a person who can only use one hand, it is so important for you and the person to imagine exactly what is going to work with that one hand.  

This entire book shows you the focus on the left hand because of my injury.



In the fifth week of my recovery, we set up a kitchen area in my bedroom.  

I have some bookcases, approximately 5 feet from the position of my lift chair. 

Caregiver removed books from three shelves.

The shelves are adjustable, so one shelf was lowered in order to hold the microwave.  

On one shelf we placed the microwave.   

On another shelf we placed cans of soup, an electric can opener, and my microwave soup cup container.  

This left the third shelf for the mixing of soup, or stirring of soup, or placing the items.

This gave me freedom to stay by myself over the weekends.  

It worked very well.

Figure 18



Figure 19

On top of the table, you will see an electric tea kettle.  This allows me to pour bottled water into the tea kettle and heat water for bathing.

On the second shelf of the table is a red plastic mixing bowl.  When I am ready to bathe, I can move the red bowl to the top of the table for easy pouring from the electric tea kettle.

I can put some bottled water into the bowl and add some hot water from the electric tea kettle.

This will allow me to continually have hot water for sponge bathing, and it will permit me to do most of the bathing myself.

Caregiver will need to sponge only my back.

Bath towels are on the bottom shelf of the table.

In the cabinet behind the table are washcloths.


I have tested the system, and it does work well. 

If you have only one arm available, as I do at the time of this writing, you put the washcloth into the red plastic bowl which contains hot water, and set the bowl in your lap.  That allows you to wring out the washcloth to get rid of excess water.

Since the bowl is plastic and lightweight, I found I could do this easily. 

Take a bath towel and cover the back side of the chair.  You might want to put another bath towel on the seat of the chair. 

Now you are ready for your sponge bath. 

While bathing, I found it helpful to move the plastic bowl to my lap when wringing excess water from the washcloth. 



Figure 20

Notice the table behind the coffee maker, for it is the dental table.  

I can sit on the bed and brush my teeth and even use the water pick.  

Tooth brushing ... I have a bottle of water sitting there so I can rinse my mouth after brushing my teeth.

I use an electric toothbrush on which I put a small amount of toothpaste.  

The red plastic cup is used for the rinse water.  

I can pour the rinse water into the porta-potty which is approximately 4 feet from this table on the other side of the bedroom. 

Figure 21 

The red plastic mixing bowl can be used in place of a sink basin when using the water pick.  



Figure 22 ... Front side of house dress

A hospital gown is typically cut down the back and tied in the back with a tie.  

I have an injury where my right arm is taped to my body.  It cannot go through a sleeve.  

In order to have at least some clothing on my body, we took this house dress and made it into a hospital gown suitable for use of only one arm.  

The front side looks completely intact.  However, we have cut from the hem up to the right armpit.  This allows me to move the portion of my right hand out from the garment to use as needed, and yet it continues to restrain my right arm to my body. 

Figure 23 ... Back side of house dress

In this photo you will see how we have cut off a portion of the back of the right side of this dress.

This allows me to sit on the porta-potty, grasping the left side of the dress without grasping the right side, which I cannot do with my injury.

If we did not have this opening, I feel certain the bottom portion of the dress would cover the hole on the porta-potty and I would not be able to use this toilet.

The way we have cut this allows complete use of the porta-potty with only one hand available to keep the garment away from the hole.

Obviously, if your injury was on your left side, you would cut the left side of the dress.

For a source for dresses of this type, click on the following link:  National


At the time I am writing this, I am starting the fifth week of being in my chair lift recliner 24 hours a day.   

Because of these adjustments I have found this to be very little problem. 

I can walk now to the other side of the bedroom to a cabinet used for protein drinks, water, cranberry juice, and applesauce.  

I am able to easily get to the porta-potty, which is approximately 8 inches on right side of chair, with little or no pain.  

I no longer have to raise the chairlift to the full upright position to do this ... this means I am nearly ready to be able to sit in a regular chair and get up comfortably.

When that happens I will be ready to go into the other parts of the house.  

The pain is the indicator that tells me what I am able to do.

There is very strong pain when I try to press down on the Kindle start button with my right index finger.  This tells me to use my left hand for that.  

All these adjustments worked!


2. Continued problems


(Oh phooey!)

I needed room for a small flashlight ... place for remote control to table lamp and remote control to curtain that would pull down over the sliding glass door ... and a way to keep cash available for caregivers to go to grocery store ... also needed a bag to contain plastic eating utensils (knife, fork, spoon), salt, and drinking straws.  


The solution for me was this.  

We put kitchen cup holders under the wooden table top, on the left side of chair.

See the colorful bags hanging down from the table?

Figure 24

(Note the 2 blue bags sitting on the floor.  They are vomit bags, which are critical for a nauseated person.) 

I have drawstring bags which are 7 inches long and approximately 4 inches wide, hanging on each cup holder.  

In the drawstring bags I have the following items:

Bag number one:  remote control for table lamp on/off , remote control to raise curtain over sliding glass door.  

Bag number two:  money to send the caretaker to grocery store

Bag number three:  drinking straws; plastic knives, forks, and spoons; salt and pepper

Bag number four:  small dictation machine

Bag number five:  small flashlight

Bag number six through twelve:  miscellaneous

The following screen print shows the Amazon website where you can purchase these colorful bags if you care to do so.  There is a link to Amazon for the item at the end of the description which you can click on to see the bags on

Click on this link to see the bags on  Colored canvas bags



3. Helpful Items

Prices are approximate 

Figure 25

Table lamp

Weighs less than 1pound.
Amazon price:  $7.99
Click here to see on   LED table lamp


Figure 26

Remote control for lights

Pam Padgett found these lamp controls on Amazon.  She had an 87-year old neighbor, Jim.  Jim has cancer as well as other physical problems.  When he tried to turn his lamps on and off he frequently would lose his balance and fall to the floor.  Pam bought this for Jim, and she liked it so well she got a set for herself.

When I was injured Pam sent me a set of these remote controls for my lamp.  I have found these to be critical.

They are very easy to install as you can see in the above photos.

Pam has given us exact information concerning how to order these from Amazon, should you choose to do so.

Amazon price:  $23
Click here to see on amazon.comWireless remote for outlets


Figure 27

Trash Can

This is far more than an ordinary trash can.

I found it virtually impossible to keep a roll of paper towels in an area where I could reach them with my left hand.

What I did is take a long roll of paper towels, start at the bottom of the trash can, come up through the swinging lid of the trash can, and attach the paper towels by the lid.  This allows me easy access to paper towels, for when the trash can was pushed under the table I could tear off one paper towel at a time without any effort whatsoever.

One of the caregivers, who is a young nursing student, said she had never seen anything like this and that it was a perfect answer for people who are having trouble getting to a paper towel in a confined position. 

Amazon price:  $16.99
Click here to see on amazon.comTrash can

 (Texas decal not included ... )


Figure 28

Bottled Water

I have found the 8-ounce bottles of water to be easier to handle in my current condition than the larger bottles.

What I do is set out 4 bottles per day on my table.  My goal is to be sure to drink every one of those four bottles per day, and often I drink more than that.

It is an easy way to keep track of the amount of water you're drinking daily to help with your digestive system and urinary tract.

Amazon price:  $3.25 / 24 8-oz bottles
Click here to see on amazon.comNestle Pure Life 8-oz bottled water


Figure 29

Premier Protein

A friend  brought me this type of protein drink.  I like it very much.  Therefore I have continued to use it.

You can purchase it at Walmart, Sam's, Costco.

The flavors are vanilla, chocolate, banana, peach.

I like each of the flavors.

Drinking a bottle of this between meals, or when you feel a little bit hungry before the caregiver can get your food to you, seems to be a very good plan.

Amazon price:  $5.99 / 4-pack
Click here to see on amazon.comPremier Protein drink


Figure 30

Kindle Tablet

Figure 31

I cannot imagine what I would have done in my current confined condition without having a Kindle tablet beside my chair.  

This device, or an iPad, allows the patient to have access to people in the world at large through internet, to books for entertainment, and to streaming on television.   

In 2016, Pam Padgett and I wrote a book published on Amazon for the purpose of teaching non-computer generation people to use a Kindle tablet.

I was very persuaded of the value of such a device, and wanted so much to help older people learn to use this device, especially before they have to go to a hospital.

Therefore we wrote the following book published on Amazon.

The title of the book is "A Graphically Illustrated Kindle Fire HD 8 Guide:  For Non-Computer Generations"

On Amazon the book is published in e-book, black-and-white paper book, and full-color paper book.

e-book:  $2.99
black-and-white paper book:  $10.99
full-color paper book:  $34.99

Click here to see this book on  Graphically Illustrated Kindle Fire HD8 Guide


Amazon price for a Kindle tablet:  $79.99
Click here to see on  Kindle Fire HD 8 Tablet


Figure 32

Kindle Tablet Stand

Figure 33

These little light-weight plastic stands are wonderful!

They will hold an 8" tablet or a 10" tablet in both horizontal and vertical positions.

And they are so inexpensive you can afford to purchase multiple stands.

Amazon price:  $5.98
Click here to see on  Adjustable stand


Figure 34
Small Bags

We used the small bags to hold miscellaneous items under the main bedside table.

We took kitchen cup holders and put them under the table and hung bags on these cup holders.

It was a very inexpensive way to deal with what could have been serious conflicts.

Amazon price:  $9.99
Click here to see on  Colored canvas bags


Figure 35


Amazon price:  $34.99
Click here to see on  Porta-potty

 (Texas decal not included ... )

Figure 36

We used small-size garbage bags to line the inside of the porta-potty.

That way, the caregiver does not have to touch anything in order to care for the issue.

The caregiver simply takes a tie string which is included in the garbage bag, ties the top of the garbage bag, puts it into another garbage bag, and takes it to the dumpster.


Figure 37

Small (4 gallon) Garbage Bags

We use these bags as liners for the porta-potty. 

Amazon price:  $9.97 / 2 boxes
Click here to see on  Small garbage bags


Figure 38


I have a very strong sensitivity to odors.  Therefore, we have to find for me things that do not cause me to be nauseous.

These baby wipes were very good for me.

Certainly I use them as a substitute way to clean my hands before meals, to even use with the porta-potty, and to do touch-up hair washing and body washing.

I just take the baby wipe and scrub my scalp.  It seems to solve the problem temporarily for me.  I know they make dry shampoo and I have a bottle of dry shampoo.  But, so far, I'm starting the fifth week of this temporary confinement and have not used the dry shampoo yet.

I have found the body wash to be so completely satisfactory for this temporary problem. 

Amazon price:  $9.47 / 5 packs
Click here to see on  Huggies Natural Care Wipes


Figure 39

Amazon price:  $9.48
Click here to see on  MiraLax

Figure 40

Mixture of MiraLax in water

I keep a bottle of the MiraLax mixture in one of the empty water bottles.

I put an X on the top of the bottle.

When I feel myself  becoming slightly constipated, I reach over and get that X bottle, and drink approximately one quarter of the contents.  Usually within an hour or two I don't have a problem.

It is extremely gentle acting.  I would not want to be without it.

Even after I recover I expect to always have an X bottle nearby.


Figure 41

Roll-on pain relief gel

This roll-on pain reliever has many different product names.  

I have purchased it at Walmart under the names Freeze It, Max It, and other names.  

Regardless of the name, I find the effectiveness to be the same.  

I use it for aches and pains and, amazingly, it also helps if you have a rash or itching.  

A few months ago I was using WD-40 on a squeaking chair in a confined room.  That night I encountered severe itching all over my body.

I didn't know what to do.  

Then I remembered this roll-on pain relief substance.  

I got the bottle and rolled it on my body at the places where the itching was worse.

In approximately five minutes there was no more itching.  

I do not hesitate to use this on my body at times when there is severe itching.  

Amazon price:  $10.07
Click here to see on  Roll-on pain relief gel


Figure 42

Seat Cushion

It is very effective to put this seat cushion on the chairlift with a sheet covering the entire upholstery.

I found the upholstery was irritating my back and causing a red rash.

I put this seat cushion on the seat of the chairlift, and I put a cushion at the place where my back touches the chairlift.

I covered all of this with a sheet.

Amazon price:  $39.99
Click here to see on  Seat cushion


Figure 43
House dress

Inexpensive house dresses can be made into hospital gowns.  (See chapter 1)

National price:  $13 - $16
Click here to see on  house dress


Figure ??

Call Button

As I was preparing to leave the rehab center after 2-1/2 months, I knew I needed a call button for my home environment.  I needed a simple way to reach the home care giver.  We found an item on amazon that was perfect.  It allows me to wear the call button around my neck.  It is very light-weight and comfortable.  I can press the button and reach the areas where the caregiver lives.  It has 2 receivers, one which she placed in the kitchen, and the other which was placed upstairs where she sleeps.   

I feel totally secure in getting help any time of the day or night. 
Amazon price:  $40
Click here to see on  call button

Please note:  If you live alone, a medical alert system allows you to get help when needed, even though no one else is in the house with you.  Just press a button on a pendant around your neck or wrist and a monitoring company is alerted to send help for you. 

There are many medical alert systems.  Here is one a neighbor used and it worked well for him:  medical alert system


Figure ??

Hospital beds are sometimes very uncomfortable.  One of the physical therapists recommended to me a new mattress pad with straps at the 4 corners.    We found one through amazon that is like a feather bed.  It is reasonably priced and turned out to be very comfortable. 

Here is a picture of the mattress pad. 
Mattress Pad

Amazon price:  $50 - $71
Click here to see on  mattress pad


Figure ??
Hospital Bed

Hospital beds can be purchased or rented from medical supply companies.  For one that was fully motorized and adjustable, we found the purchase price to be around $1000.  The rental price per month was around $200.  Usually you can get quick service to have the bed setup. 


Figure ??
Accessibility Ramp

When I moved home I found a serious problem.  I couldn’t get into the house.  The step getting me into the house at the garage area was approximately 8 inches tall.  The step at the front door was approximately 7 inches tall.  I could not negotiate either with a walker.  When I tried I was terrified!  

We found the best solution for me was to install a metal ramp in the garage. 

We found a company that handles all types of mobility aids … Accessible Systems. 

Prices of ramps vary by material, length, etc.
Mine cost  $2100

Other possible solutions considered were to install a lift platform, which is motorized, to negotiate the step, or re-building the steps so there would be more, less-steep steps that would be wide enough for a walker to fit on each step. 

For one customer this company even designed designed a lift to take an old, blind dog up and down stairs!

We found it very helpful to speak to have one of the consultants come look at our home and suggest solutions that would work for my needs.  


Figure ??
Stair lift

My 87-year old neighbor lived in a two-story house, with all bedrooms on the second level.  He needed help getting up and down the stairs, and found a stair lift worked well for him. 

Prices vary by brand, features, and whether stairs are straight.
My neighbor's lift for straight stairs cost  $3000
Click here to see on stair lift


Figure ??
Toilet safety rails

Toilet safety rails are a great help in getting up from the commode.  The rails we installed are hardly noticeable when installed.  When the physical therapist first looked at the bathroom, she didn't see the rails on the toilet and had to take a second look to see them.  

Amazon price:  $24
Click here to see on toilet safety rails


Figure  ???
Dulcolax stool softener

After my surgery, I had to take prescription pain medicine.  Apparently, the pain medicine caused great constipation.  Fortunately, one of the nurses told me to get an over-the-counter medicine called Dulcolax Stool Softener and to take it every time I took one of the pain pills.  I began doing that and it worked.  The constipation never came back as a result of the pain medicine.  Sometimes I wouldn’t even know I had a bowel movement it was so easy.

This item might be of help to you.  You can check with your physician or nurse practitioner. 

Amazon price:  $11
Click here to see on  stool softener


Figure ??
Stamina In-Motion Elliptical Trainer

<Write about>

Amazon price:  $150
Click here to see on  exercise machine
